How do I import orders from my Big Commerce store to Kin Custom?

Follow the steps below to import your BigCommerce orders and submit for Kin Custom fulfillment.

Step 1. In your Big Commerce account, click on your orders. Choose the orders you want to export by checking the box in the order or selecting "Export All"

Step 2. Select the Export as a CSV file button. In the pop up, click 'Start export'

Step 3. Click 'Download my Orders file'

Step 4. Download the file

Step 5. Log in to your Kin Custom account. Click 'Orders' on the left menu. Select Bigcommerce in the dropdown and click 'Import'.

Step 6. In the pop up, select the URL from the dropdown, and select your file that was downloaded from Bigcommerce.

Step 7.  Select 'Continue' in the pop up

Step 8. Your order will have imported. From here, proceed to check out to pay for your order. Your order will be sent for fulfillment!