How do I add my products to my Etsy store?

Please follow the instructions below to add your finished products to your Etsy account.

Please note, you must connect your Kin Custom account to Etsy before adding your products to your account. Please click here for help with connecting your account.


tep 1.  In Creator Studio, click on Created Merch. Select what products you want to export to Etsy. In the drop down, select Etsy and the click Connect.


Step 2. Choose your brand and Etsy URL from the dropdowns. Click Submit. 


Step 3.  You will receive a pop up that the items have been exported successfully. Click OK. 


Step 4.  To view your exported products, go to the draft listings in your Etsy account. In your Etsy shop manager, click on Listings, then select the button next to Drafts
